If it’s springtime it must be baseball season! For baseball-lovers
young and old, a trip to the ballpark is one of the great joys of spring
—especially when the home team wins! For young [and young at heart] baseball
fans, playing the game can be equally joyful. According to the Aspen Institute’s Project Play,
“participation in sports by
children and adolescents is associated with a range of documented physical,
emotional, social, educational and other benefits that can last into adulthood.”
But, all too often, youngsters with disabilities are left on
the sidelines.
It all started one
day at the end of Little League season in Conyers, Georgia in Rockville County, recalls The
Miracle League’s national program director, Stephanie Davis.
“There was a little boy on the community’s little league
team who had a brother who was in a wheelchair. The brother came to every
single game and every single practice his brother played in, watching and
cheering him on.”
One day, says Davis, the coach invited the team’s most loyal
fan on to the field to play. Soon after, it was announced that a new league for
children with disabilities was being organized for the following year. The next
season, 35 children were signed up and ready to play.
In most ways, says Davis, the league operated in the same
way as traditional little leagues. The teams played for six to eight weeks in
the fall and spring, wore uniforms, made plays and rounded the bases. In other
ways it was different. Rules were adjusted to ensure that every player got
plenty of game-time, players were always safe on base and everyone was
considered a winner in every game. Each player was assigned a buddy— a middle school, high school or adult volunteer— who would help him or her during the game.

“Dean [now The
Miracle League’s chairman] came up with the idea of building a fully accessible
field,” says Davis.
Recognizing that
the project would be very expensive, Alford went to his fellow rotary club members
and convinced them to spearhead the fundraising effort. The Rockville Rotary
Club was joined by the neighboring Conyers Rotary Club and together, they
formed the Rotary Miracle Fund, Inc., a 510(C)3 with two objectives:
“To raise funds
to build an entirely accessible complex for Miracle League players, and to
assist other communities to build accessible complexes in their communities.”
The first Miracle
League complex, completed in 2002, was built with a cushioned rubberized
surface that is completely flat to accommodate wheelchairs and to ensure the
safety of visually impaired players. There are wheelchair accessible dugouts
and bathrooms, a concession stand and a designated picnic area.
Thanks to media
coverage and word of mouth, news of The Miracle League and its new complex
spread. Other communities wanted accessible baseball fields and complexes too. Today,
Miracle Leagues exist in 270 communities and Miracle League accessible ball
fields have been built in more than 150 communities.
“The Miracle
League’s main program is just for fun,” says Davis. “Everyone plays together.
But we also have a more competitive league for kids [and adults] who become
really good baseball players.”
The League includes
players with a variety of disabilities, says Davis. “We have players with everything
from ADHD, sensory disorders and autism to Down Syndrome, visual impairment and
cerebral palsy to children who are paralyzed and non-verbal.”
Though the program
was originally created for children, it has evolved to include some adults.
“We had a
35-year-old walk on the field for the first time. Although he was 35, he was
functioning at the level of a young child. He had never played baseball before.
How could we say, “no,” asks Davis, who adds that some leagues, such as one in
New York, is large enough to accommodate separate teams for children and adult
The Buddy Program
is one of the best parts of The Miracle League, Davis says. All of the players
are paired with typically developing middle school students, high school students, and adults.
“This is not a
therapeutic program,” she says. “We like to keep everything normal. It’s just
baseball. The ‘buddies’ do watch safety videos and we like to have them meet up
with parents before the season starts. The parents are the experts. The ‘buddies’
does whatever the child needs—wheels him around the bases, helps her grab the
ball if she can’t reach it. Once they do it once, they get it,” says Davis.
“The program really
changes family life,” Davis continues. “The children feel like they’re part of
a group. Instead of being segregated, they are being invited to birthday
parties, and to sit at the lunch table at school. Through the program, the
buddies learn that the kids with disabilities aren’t really so different than
they are. They get to know each other and they become friends.”
Interested in
having a Miracle League program and an accessible ballpark in your community?
Davis says the organization “handles everything from A to Z. No community is
too small,” she adds. “We provide all the tools communities need to fundraise
and we connect donors to communities.”
For more
information, visit themiracleleague.com.
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